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Building your Temple of Light I - 4 Week Online Class & Practices

Alchemy: Temple of Light Online Class


Join us for a 4-week online course in activating the ley lines (chakras) and axiatonal lines (Source/God connection) within us and within the Earth as you create your Temple of Light. As you activate your Kathara Tree of Life Grid, known as your Temple of Light, we create the Shambala Template for Humanity. What does this mean? It means we are creating the New Earth, an enlightened society that is filled with sovereign beings. Why is this important? Because it starts with us. We each have a role to play and as we do this individually, the collective receives. This is why you are here! As you do this work, you are creating a quantum field of pure light that acts as a shield to help you navigate through these unprecedented times. It also allows you access to your multidimensional self where you become the Master of your own reality free from programing. Humanity is a part of the morphogenetic field of Mother Earth’s planetary consciousness. We are not separate. One of our roles is to be the stewards for embodiment of the Higher Mental consciousness of Mother Earth. One of the paramount activities of stewardship is the ability to be able to clear and connect all distortions in Earth’s consciousness. When we work to clear our light body infrastructure, chakras, and grid (nadial-etheric energy conduits) lines, we are activating our Tree of Life, the DNA genetic coding of our Divine Human template. As we know from the Law of ‘As above, so below’, we are the microcosm of many larger Kathara grids of our Tree of Life, one of such is the planetary Kathara grid that corresponds to the global planetary ley lines and axiatonal network. In clearing our own distortions, we have the resonant effect of clearing the crystalline grid In each class, we will do a brief teaching followed by a meditation and activation. We suggest spacing the class out four weeks if possible and doing each practice for a week at least once a day.




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